RIVITAL NEW is a product based on amino acids and fulvic acids, with a high nutrient value, that stimulates and protects the plants. RIVITAL NEW is composed by natural growth hormones that work directly on the metabolism of the plant. It operates as a biochemical activator during the development of all species. The treatment is recommended whenever the plant is weaker: in case of frost, transplant, excessive soil compaction, root asphyxia and pesticides treatments that might block the plant chemistry. The active substances contained in RIVITAL NEW work directly on the cells, they stimulate the natural auxins and promote the production of enzymes. It brings to plants a higher vegetative impulse that allows to resist to the stasis periods. It is also available SPECIAL RIVITAL CARCIOFO with the addition of a fraction of ethanolamine borate.

Formulation: liquid

Law reference: National (Italy - D. Lgs. 75/2010)

Treatment type: Fertigation, Foliar fertilization

Fertilizer type: Organic fertilizers - Organic nitrogenous fertilizers


  • 3 % Nitrogen organic (-)


Avocado - Banana - Black Blueberry - Blackcurrant - Bramble / Raspberry / Blackberry - Cereals - Chinese pear tree - Citrus fruits - Cup rosinweed or Cup plant - Currant - Diospyros / Persimmon - Dog rose - Fig tree / Edible - Floral plants - Forage crops - Forest trees - Goji - Guayule - Hop - Jujuble tree - Kiwi-fruit tree - Litchi or Lychee - Loquate - Mango - Medlar-tree - Mulberry - Mushrooms - Northern highbush blueberry - Nurseries - Nutshell fruits - Oil crops - Olive tree - Ornamental plants - Papaya - Passion fruit or Maracuja - Pome fruit - Pomegranate tree - Poplar tree - Potato - Prickly pear - Raspberry - Red Blueberry - Redcurrant - Rowan tree / Mountain ash - Soursop - Stone fruits - Strawberry - Fragaria - Strawberry tree - Sugar beet / Common beet - Table grape - Tobacco - Vegetables - Wine grape - Aromatic herbs