EVENGADO is a product studied to prevent and combat the deficiencies of many microelements, which are involved in photosynthesis, in cell replication, in sugar synthesis and in metabolism of nitrogenous molecules. Being active both during the vegetative growth and during the whole production cycle, EVENGADO can be used for several treatments. It can be employed during the formation of vegetative biomass to revive the colour of the leaves, as a growth promoter of the fruits or before dormancy in winter to stabilize the reserve substances of the bud.

Formulation: water soluble powder

Law reference: National (Italy - D. Lgs. 75/2010)

Treatment type: Foliar fertilization

Fertilizer type: Straight inorganic fertilizers - Solid nitrogenous fertilizers


  • 12 % Nitrogen
    • 2 % Nitrogen ammoniacal
    • 10 % Nitrogen ureic
  • 1 % Boron soluble in water
  • 4 % Iron water soluble chelate
  • 0,5 % Molybdenum soluble in water
  • 1,5 % Copper water soluble chelate
  • 2 % Zinc water soluble chelate


Avocado - Banana - Black Blueberry - Blackcurrant - Bramble / Raspberry / Blackberry - Cereals - Chinese pear tree - Citrus fruits - Currant - Diospyros / Persimmon - Dog rose - Fig tree / Edible - Floral plants - Forage crops - Forest trees - Goji - Guayule - Hop - Jujuble tree - Kiwi-fruit tree - Litchi or Lychee - Loquate - Mango - Medlar-tree - Mulberry - Northern highbush blueberry - Nutshell fruits - Oil crops - Olive tree - Ornamental plants - Papaya - Passion fruit or Maracuja - Pome fruit - Pomegranate tree - Poplar tree - Potato - Prickly pear - Raspberry - Red Blueberry - Redcurrant - Rowan tree / Mountain ash - Soursop - Stone fruits - Strawberry - Fragaria - Strawberry tree - Sugar beet / Common beet - Table grape - Tobacco - Vegetables - Wine grape - Aromatic herbs