This product can be used in any transplant in pots and in open field, it improves the root development even on badly drained soils and even in case of stubble seeds. It is recommended for succulent plants and ornamental plants (both annual and perennial). Used in orchards and vineyards, before planting the maiden tree and the vine cutting, put a small quantity of Rizogen under roots, place the roots and then cover them with Rizogen until collar.

Formulation: soil

Law reference: National (Italy - D. Lgs. 75/2010)

Treatment type: Traditional

Fertilizer type: Tilling substrates


  • 0,74 % Nitrogen organic
  • 7,2 % Fulvic acids
  • 7,2 % Humic acids
  • 31,2 % Carbon organic (-)


Fruit crops trees - Nurseries - Ornamental plants - Vine - Cactaceae