This product is studied to increase the growth of the leaves of every kind of plants. It is specific to the aboveground biomass, it is rapidly absorbed by the molecules that increase both leaf and root penetration limiting the demage of the electro-conductivity of the chemical component. It reduces the environmental stress, it balances the supply of other nutrients and it is also effective on leaf blades thickened and in avanced biological stage.

Formulation: liquid

Law reference: EC (Reg. 2003/2003)

Treatment type: Fertigation, Foliar fertilization

Fertilizer type: Inorganic fluid fertilizers - Straight fluid fertilizers, Inorganic straight primary nutrient fertilizers - Nitrogenous fertilizers


  • 26 % Nitrogen (-)
  • 6,5 % Nitrogen ammoniacal (-)
  • 6,5 % Nitrogen nitric (-)
  • 13 % Nitrogen ureic (-)


Banana - Cereals - Chinese pear tree - Citrus fruits - Diospyros / Persimmon - Fig tree / Edible - Forage crops - Forest trees - Goji - Guayule - Jujuble tree - Kiwi-fruit tree - Litchi or Lychee - Loquate - Mango - Medlar-tree - Mulberry - Nutshell fruits - Olive tree - Ornamental plants - Papaya - Passion fruit or Maracuja - Pome fruit - Pomegranate tree - Poplar tree - Potato - Prickly pear - Rowan tree / Mountain ash - Stone fruits - Strawberry tree - Table grape - Vegetables - Wine grape - Avocado