CE Fertilizer - Solution of calcium chloride. SUNDOR is studied to reinforce mechanically and biologically the wintering bud through an induced resistance on the bud scale and on the herbaceous tissues that have grown during the year. The product properly lignifies the vegetation and reduces the vigor excess, even during the vegetative phase in spring. The product is stable at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Preserve between 5° and 25°C. The product is not combustible.

Formulation: liquid

Law reference: EC (Reg. 2003/2003)

Treatment type: Fertigation, Foliar fertilization

Fertilizer type: Inorganic secondary nutrient fertilizers


  • 12 % Calcium oxide soluble in water


Avocado - Avocado - Banana - Cereals - Chinese pear tree - Citrus fruits - Diospyros / Persimmon - Fig tree / Edible - Floral plants - Forage crops - Forest trees - Goji - Guayule - Guayule - Hop - Jujuble tree - Kiwi-fruit tree - Litchi or Lychee - Litchi or Lychee - Loquate - Mango - Medlar-tree - Mulberry - Nutshell fruits - Oil crops - Olive tree - Ornamental plants - Papaya - Passion fruit or Maracuja - Pome fruit - Pomegranate tree - Poplar tree - Potato - Prickly pear - Rowan tree / Mountain ash - Stone fruits - Strawberry tree - Sugar beet / Common beet - Table grape - Tobacco - Vegetables - Wine grape - Aromatic herbs